Users who are interested in using the full access to non-public
(morphometric) data stored in MORPHYLL please contact the curator who is
responsible for the respective collection.
Contact data can be found in "Material/Collections".
After accepting the Terms of Use you will receive the access data, to
morphometric data.
To get full access to the complete set of data including morphometry
and high resolution images, please contact the curator of fossil plants
at SMNS (
All data of MORPHYLL are provided under a
The database may be cited as:
Traiser C., Roth-Nebelsick A., Lange J. & Kovar-Eder J. (2015): MORPYHLL - database for
acquisition of ecophysiologically relevant morphometric data of fossil leaves.
Version 1.0;
State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart;; doi: 10.17616/R3PQ07