Cataloguing and Digitisation
(Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)

Acquisition of ecophysiologically relevant morphometric data of fossil leaves

References related to the database

  • Ellis B., Daly D.C., Hickey L.J., Johnson K.R., Mitchell J.D., Wilf P., Wing S.L. (2009):
    Manual of Leaf Architecture. - Cornell University Press, Comstock Book: 200p.

  • Moraweck K., Kovar-Eder J., Grein M., Kunzmann L., Konrad W., Kvacek J., Neinhuis C., Roth-Nebelsick A., Streubig M., Traiser C. (2014):
    How does leaf morphology reflect palaeo-climate conditions? A quantitative approach tracing terrestrial climate conditions during the Paleogene. - 9th European Palaeobotany - Palynology Conference 2014, Padova.

  • Traiser C., Kovar-Eder, J. Kunzmann L., Moraweck K., Streubig M. Roth-Nebelsick A. (2014):
    MORPHYLL - a database for the acquisition of ecophysiologically relevant data of fossil leaves. - 9th European Palaeobotany - Palynology Conference 2014, Padova.

  • Traiser C., Roth-Nebelsick A., Kovar-Eder J. (2012):
    MORPHYLL: A data base for the acquisition of ecophysiologically relevant morphometric data of fossil leaves. - 100. Jubiläumstagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft 2012, Berlin.

  • Traiser C., Roth-Nebelsick A., Grein M., Kovar-Eder J., Kunzmann L., Moraweck K., Lange J., Kvacek J., Neinhuis C., Folie A., Franceschi De D., Kroh A., Prestianni C., Poschmann M. & Wuttke M. (2018):
    MORPHYLL: A database of fossil leaves and their morphological traits. - Palaeontologia Electronica, 21.1.1T: 1-17. doi: 10.26879/773